22 Powerful Mini-Lessons From 2022 I’m Carrying Forward to 2023

These gave me peace, contentment, and a drive to push myself harder.

With the new year just round the corner, I can’t help but feel nostalgic about the year gone by.

2022 was wholesome and filled my heart with gratitude in more ways than I can imagine.

It also forced me to encounter tremendous obstacles I could not foresee. These pushed my boundaries and made me tap into reserves of courage and strength I didn’t know I possessed.

In this post, I’ve listed the 22 lessons I’ve learned in 2022 that I’m keen on carrying forward to 2023. Read on, and don’t forget to let me know your thoughts in the comments.

22 Powerful Mini-Lessons From 2022 I’m Carrying Forward to 2023

  1. Don’t underestimate the strength your heart holds. You’ve overcome tremendous odds before. You can do this.
  2. Some people will leave when you show them the ugly bits of your soul. There’s no point chasing after them. But no matter how much it hurts, there will always be people who love you no matter what. Hold them close. Cherish them. Find ways to make them stay.
  3. Good things don’t come to those who wait. Good things come to the ones who take daily intentional steps towards their goal.
  4. Being scared before starting something new is normal. But don’t let that fear cripple you and hit any new plans in the gut before they even begin.
  5. Forgive yourself for the choices you made when you were in survival mode. You’re a better person now. Stronger. You need to fill your heart will appreciation for how far you’ve come.
  6. You deserve to take a break. A day (or week or month) of rest won’t harm you as much as you think it will.
  7. You’re allowed to disappear and take as much time as you need to feel yourself again. The world will be out there waiting for you when you’re ready. Come out when you feel safe again.
  8. Running away from sadness only makes it chase you harder. Embrace it. Let it seep through your blood. And do what you need to do to never feel this way again for the same reason.
  9. You don’t have to take the blame for every complaint you hear from your loved ones. Adults are responsible for their own happiness. Nothing you say or do can make them feel better. Strangling your happiness in the hope it might make someone else’s life easier makes no sense.
  10. On days you don’t feel like getting out of bed, remind yourself of the last time you felt this way and how things eventually improved. This too shall pass. Breathe.
  11. Staying busy and working towards your goal are two different things. Learn the distinction and align your goals with your efforts.
  12. Distractions can be tempting. And temptations can be dream-killers.
  13. The first step is always the hardest. Take it anyway. Your future self will thank you for not postponing that decision.
  14. When your to-do list starts overflowing, select the top three daily priorities and only focus on those.
  15. Read at least one page of a book every day.
  16. Don’t go looking for the well-loved or most-recommended books. Pick the ones that speak to your soul. Don’t bother about missing out on the *good* books. Life is too short to read every book on your TBR. Accept it, and read the ones that bring you joy.
  17. When you’re conflicted between two choices, pick the one that feels the most uncomfortable in the short term. The pursuit of instant gratification is why so many dreams have been buried.
  18. Say yes even when you aren’t prepared. The most impulsive decisions often turn into the most-cherished memories.
  19. Don’t save the best clothes in your wardrobe for an *appropriate* occasion. Wear them for grocery shopping if you have to, but wear them to make yourself smile. After all, looking good is an act of self-care.
  20. Don’t postpone that holiday for when you earn more or have X savings. Time tends to run out when we aren’t noticing. Plan meticulously, and work on making your short-term goals a reality.
  21. If you don’t see immediate results, trust yourself and your hard work, and keep pushing on.

What were the lessons you learned in 2022 that will make 2023 better? Please share them in the comments.

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