3 Key Lessons From My First 1000 Subscribers on YouTube

How a hobby I’d almost given up has started to pay results.

“Making videos is a waste of time. Stop making them unless ABSOLUTELY necessary.”

This is what I wrote in my journal on 8th April 2020.

I’d just launched my YouTube channel. It took me 2 hours to record one and 8+ hours to edit it. The videos that I’d so painstakingly created barely got 100 views.

I was so frustrated, I wrote in my journal — “NOTHING is worth 10+ hours of my time.”

Fast forward 10 months, and here’s my opinion on YouTube:

  • I love recording and editing videos.
  • The whole process takes me 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the length of the video.
  • My YouTube channel just crossed 1000 subscribers.
  • I’m fairly consistent and release 5–6 videos each month.

This article comprises three key lessons I learned from my journey on YouTube and how they can be applied to any field in freelancing. Read on for the most important takeaways from my journey.

Watch this story in video format here:

1. No Task is too Hard

If something is making you sweat and swear, you haven’t figured out the right way yet.

For example, earlier on, I used to get ready specifically for a video. And I got so nervous to talk to a camera that I floundered and flustered and spent two hours recording a 10–15 minute long video.

Over time, I’ve not only gotten better at speaking to a camera, but I’ve also learned how to edit videos quicker. I used bulkier software that took ages to render videos, but with time, I’ve come across simpler versions of the same software that can edit my videos better with more accuracy and save hours of precious time.

Ten months ago, I was complaining because I hadn’t found the right set of tools. Now, I look forward to the editing process because it has become infinitely more fun and rewarding.

How it can be applied to any field

  • When you keep creating content in the same format over and over again, you’ll inevitably get better at it.
  • If any part of the process feels too expensive or too hard for you, look for a cheaper or an easier alternative.

2. Don’t Curse the Process

If what you’re doing is not working, change your approach and find a different way to go about it.

As a content creator, the most important goal is not to make money or gain subscribers. The most important part is to enjoy what you’re doing. If you find yourself hating the process, there must be something you’re doing wrong.

How it can be applied to any field

If your creative journey is fueled by the need for money or more followers, you might lose motivation half-way. Instead, find a different fuel.

Maybe you wanted a platform to share your stories. Or maybe you have some really unique and creative ideas you believe will change lives.

Once you find your why, as Nietsche said, it will be easier to figure out your how.

As a content creator, the most important goal is to enjoy what you’re doing. If you find yourself hating the process, there must be something you’re doing wrong.
Screenshot from YouTube by author.

3. It Gets Easier With Time

The first few days (weeks, months, years) in any field are hard. Keep pushing on. The day your effort starts paying off, your growth will be exponential.

How it can be applied to any field

Here are some points to keep in mind. If you follow them, there’s no chance your efforts won’t bear fruition:

  • Show up as frequently as possible. Consistency pays.
  • Remember, you’re in it for the long run. Don’t let small defeats deter you.
  • Consume more than you create. Learn from the experts in your field and keep applying the lessons in your projects.
  • Never hesitate to invest in yourself. That writing course you’ve been thinking hard about, the expensive microphone that will 10x the quality of your videos, that storytelling masterclass you’ve been eyeing for weeks — go, get them. Even if they don’t teach you anything specific, they will teach you what not to fall for the next time.

Final Words

YouTube requires a minimum of 1000 subscribers and 4000 watch hours before a creator can monetize their channel. Mine is far from reaching that goal (the last time I checked, I was somewhere between 900 and 1000 hours).

Screenshot by the author.

But I’ve stopped obsessing over the money and have left it to the Universerve, firmly believing that it will happen when it’s supposed to happen, and not a moment sooner.

This is not a race against myself to monetize my efforts as soon as possible. Rather, I see my YouTube channel as a way of documenting my growth and bearing witness to my small triumphs along the way.

One day, we’ll make it big.

Until then, I’m enjoying the process of challenging myself to create videos regularly and polish them to whatever level of perfection I can achieve. When I look at my older videos, I can see how far I’ve come. That — and the wonderful comments from people from all over the world — are enough to fuel this creative pursuit of mine.

I create content in many different forms related to self-improvement, body-positivity, and feminism on several other platforms. Join my email list to make sure you don’t miss out on anything new.