4 Key Decisions That Shaped My $5k/Month Writing Business

You win some battles, lose others, and how you fight decides how your journey will be like.

4 Key Decisions That Shaped My $5k/Month Writing Business
Image from the author’s Instagram

You win some battles, lose others, and how you fight decides how your journey will be like.

Three years as a full-time writer, and I’ve been charting some unknown waters.

Back in 2021, I believed I could write on Medium, sell a few digital products, have a handful of freelance clients, and that’s all I’d need.

Turns out, I was wrong. There was no way I could have predicted how much my life would change in three years.

I moved to a new city, adopted a dog, started pursuing a new hobby, and before I knew it, my lifestyle was altered forever. Life in a small town is so different from life in a metropolis. The rent alone is high enough, but there’s more. To have “fun” in a city like Hyderabad, you need money. 

And simply writing for Medium or freelance clients didn’t cut it any more.

I had to add new services, quit a few platforms, and make major decisions that shaped my journey today. Sure, I’m nowhere near the pinnacle, and this is always going to be a work in progress. But I’m documenting my journey in the hopes that it will help someone who is starting out.

One more thing that changed was my ambition. In 2021, making enough money to pay the bills was all I cared about. But now, I want to leave an impact, some legacy for the world to remember me by.

I know this life is fleeting and meaningless. But if I leave behind something, there’s a chance my meaningless existence might have touched some lives?

The way I see this legacy is by writing books. If I can tell interesting stories people connect with, love, and remember, that could be my way of leaving an Anangsha-shaped hole in the universe when I’m gone.

And that’s what I’m gunning for right now: working on my first full-length novel, as I balance other activities that pay the bills while I work on my passion.

This article talks about four key decisions that shaped my writing journey so far. Today, I’m fortunate to have built a $5k per month writing business, and looking back, these four decisions were what shaped this journey and made it possible. Read on, and don’t forget to let me know your thoughts and insights in the comments.