5 Books I’m Re-Reading in 2022
And why you should read them too.

And why you should read them too.
Every year, when I set a Goodreads reading challenge for myself, I aim to read a particular number of books. If I’m too caught up in that number, I’m always focused on reading new books that can enhance my life.
In 2022, I want to take a step back and read some of the books that had the biggest impact in my life when I was younger.
It is said that reading a book and re-reading it are two completely different experiences. That’s something I want to experience for myself this year.
“To me, re-reading my favorite books is like spending time with my best friends. I’d never be satisfied to limit myself to just one experience each with my favorite people.” ― C S Lewis
In this post, I’m listing the five books that I want to re-read in 2022 because they are too important not to. If you’re looking for some good books to read this year, you could start from the books on this list.
It includes several genres right from fiction to nonfiction and memoirs, and contains an eclectic mix of authors from different backgrounds and identities.
So read on. Who knows, you might find your next favorite book on the list.
(Note: This article contains affiliate links. If you choose to purchase the books through these links, it will help me earn a small amount of money — at no extra cost to you. Thanks!)
1. The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

A painter is enamored by the exceptional good looks of Dorian Gray. He makes a portrait of Dorian where he captures his ethereal beauty.
The reason why Dorian is so good-looking is because of his youth. The painter gets sad thinking as his youth fades away, Dorian’s beauty will also diminish. That’s why, he wishes he could somehow capture Dorian’s beauty forever in his portrait.
Due to some mysterious reasons, Dorian Gray is trapped in his eternal youth, while the picture starts suffering the ravages of time.
No matter what Dorian does or what crimes he commits, none of it is reflected on his face. Instead, the painting starts becoming uglier, more lined, and hideous as the years pass by.
When Dorian finds this strange, magical connection with this picture, he starts behaving more recklessly, committing more hideous crimes, secure in the knowledge that none of it will be reflected on his face. His youthful beauty will be preserved forever.
Why I want to read this book again
When I was young, I read it as pure fiction. I didn’t think of the psychological implications of this book. I couldn’t fathom what it showed about the human psyche, about how humans are so quick to take advantage of any flaw in the system that allows them to be their true, authentic selves.
It raises the important question: If none of our bad deeds had any consequences, how often would we resort to them?
When I re-read this book in 2022, I want to savor the brilliance with which Oscar Wilde has captured this intricate moral dilemma of what it means to be eternally young and beautiful.
I’m also curious to notice how relevant this book is in today’s world. I’m sure reading it as an adult and knowing what I know today would be a different, deeply introspective experience.
2. The House in The Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune

Linus Baker is a 40-something caseworker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. It’s his job to visit all the orphanages in the country where magical children stay and prepare a report on their living conditions.
When Linus is sent to an isolated island with six very special and powerful children, he is almost terrified about the implications this job might have.
What he doesn’t expect is to find love in the most unlikely of places, that he would find himself a new family who loves him for who he is and accepts him, flaws and all.
Why I want to read this book again
I read this book for the first time in 2020, right in the middle of the pandemic. I remember feeling happy and so attached to the characters that even after the book was over, I wanted to spend more time with them.
Since this had no sequel, I resorted to reading more books by TJ Klune. And as I discovered more and more of the author’s brilliant writing, I went on a TJ Klune-binge and read 25 of his books over the next year and a half.
I want to re-read this now because I’ve seen so many comments in the fan forums of TJ Klune that there are several links in this book tying it to his previous works. There are some Easter eggs, which would be a lot of fun to discover and make the links I couldn’t when I first read the book.
I also want to cherish the happiness that reading this book gave me. I remember feeling like it was a warm hug from a friend. And since 2022 has had a bleak start for me so far, I would love to have some warmth in the form of a lovely book.
3. May Cause Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein

More than a book, this is a series of exercises that you can perform over a 40 day period. These exercises will help you overcome the fears that are holding you back and cause miracles in your life.
Gabrielle Bernstein is a motivational speaker and bestselling author who has done an amazing job of holding your hand throughout the book as you go on a journey of introspection and self-discovery.
The exercises help in rewiring your brain and reframing your mindset. The book will definitely leave you feeling more positive about life.
Why I want to read this book again
When I first did the exercises in this book in early 2021, I could overcome some major roadblocks in my life.
This book gave me the courage to quit my job and become a full-time writer. It gave me the strength to cut some toxic relationships out from my life. It filled me with a sense of purpose that has sustained me until now.
In 2022, I want to read this book with a fresh perspective and see how it impacts my life again. I’m curious to see what new levels the book unlocks for me this year.
4. What Do You Care What Other People Think? by Richard Feynman

Richard Feynman is a physicist and Nobel Prize winner. Bill Gates once called him “The best teacher I never had.”
Feynman’s book is filled with anecdotes from his adult life that inspired me to become the best version of who I was.
As the title suggests, most of the stories here are centered around Feynman’s indomitable spirit and the spark that burns bright in his heart.
His life inspired me to not care about other people’s opinions of me and pushed me to be my authentic self.
Why I want to read this book again
While I imbibed so many good qualities from this book when I first read it, I was still a child then. Now, as an adult, I am excited to see how this book would influence me.
I like to think that I have moved past the age where I’m worried about how other people perceive me. But this book addresses something that goes deeper than just the symptom of people-pleasing. I remember it made me feel whole and complete in myself and pushed me to get rid of the need to constantly please others.
In 2022, I want to give this book another read and see how it improves my life even further.
5. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

I read this book back in school. I remember being confused if the book’s name was Jane Eyre or Charlotte Bronte — that’s how young I was!
I barely remember what this book is about, except from the fact that everyone sees this is one of the most important pieces of literature to have come out in the 19th century.
The protagonist is a strong female character, which was so very rare in the books of those times. This story revolves around her coming of age and all the struggles she had to overcome to live the life she was destined to.
Why I want to read this book again
As a woman. I’m a big fan of authentic representation of women in literature. And what better books to read than Jane Eyre if I’m into something like that?
I would love to explore the power dynamics of the 19th century England and see how much of it is relevant today.
It would be a treat and an absolute honor to read about how the feminist thought process has evolved over the centuries and how much of it still impacts my life today.
I am not a very big fan of classics, but I remember this book was close to my heart in school. I want to revel in that love once again as an adult.
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