5 Books I Desperately Wish Every Woman Would Read Challenge your limits and grow beyond your wildest dreams with these incredibly inspiring books.
I’ve Never Had A *Viral* Article, But I’m A Succesful Writer Virality is just a vanity metric. It doesn’t assure more money.
To What Extent Should Your Looks Impact Your Personality? My lifelong struggles with body insecurities and how I let people’s perceptions of me define my reality.
The Curse of Being Too Ambitious That Haunts Every Writer I’m not yet sure where it will take me and how it will change my life.
I’ve Read 800+ Books in My Life. Here Are My 6 Fantasy Fiction Favorites. If you love swords, magic, dragons, and incredible world-building, you’ve come to the right place.
I Wouldn’t Have Quit My Job if I Didn’t Have These 3 Assurances A checklist of mental frameworks for people looking to quit their 9-to-5 and build an empire of their own.
5 Steps to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Lead Generation Get better job opportunities, attract freelance writing gigs, and build a personal brand on LinkedIn with these tips
5 Steps (Aside From Planning) To Stick to Your New Year Resolutions Planning is only the first step. Here are the next five.
7 Books That Shaped My 20s Read them before you turn 30 to make the most of the most productive years of your life.
As a Full-Time Writer, You’ll Never Have *Stability* or *Certainty* That’s alright if you learn to navigate the ups and downs of life as a freelance writer or a self-employed person.
3 Indian Brands Show Marketing Is About Building an Image, not Selling Your Products How Indian brands are interpreting the message of Diwali — the festival of lights to create brand awareness and bag more sales.
4 Tools that Helped Make My Writing Business More Successful How you can use technology to set yourself apart from competitors and take your writing business to the next level.
If You’re Successful, People Will Assume You’ve Had It Easy Success looks glamorous, but the path to reach it is set with hurdles.
Rejections Can Be Redirections for Freelancers — Only if You Let Them Here’s how I handle rejection as a self-employed person. Feel free to copy my template and apply it to your business.
3 Tips To Get You Started on the Internet’s Scariest Social Media Platform Yes, I’m talking about YouTube, and here’s how you can get over your video-phobia.
I Read 46 Books in 2021. Here Are My 5 Fiction Favorites. Books to provide you with the sweetest escape and some much-needed license to dream beyond the ordinary.
Can Freelancing As A Career Ever Guarantee A Steady Income? Building multiple income streams can be your answer to the uncertainty that comes with being self-employed.
The Story Behind My First Blue Tick How I got a verified profile on the first platform I started writing on.
3 Popular Pieces of LinkedIn Advice I Don’t Agree With An alternative no-BS strategies that help me average at 15,000+ views per post.
7 Amazing Non-Fiction Books to Read Before 2021 Ends Make the most of the last 70 days of this year by reading these incredible stories.
10 Tools For YouTubers to Grow Their Brand Use technology to make better videos, reach more subscribers, and monetize your channel sooner!
I Read 45 Books in 2021. Here Are My 4 Non-Fiction Favorites. Books to inspire, educate, and give you the push you didn’t know you needed.
7 Tools to Help You Kickstart, Grow and Monetize Your Podcast Leverage the power of technology to boost your stats.