3 Most Magical Books to Read if You Loved Percy Jackson Ancient mythology meets the modern world to take you on your next super adventure.
7 Signs You’re Stuck in a Fantasy Novel After all, you might be trapped in a prophecy without realizing it!
My Diet and Workout Plan to Lose Body Fat and Build Muscle A science-backed guide on how to plan your meals, workout sessions, and boost your health without giving up on your favourite foods
3 Life-Changing Books too Painful to Read Again Life-changing stories I can’t revisit because the pain is too hard to take.
A 7-Day Routine to Move Past Pain and Embrace a New Beginning Journal prompts and exercises modeled after the East-Indian ritual ‘Bohag Bihu’ to help you get past your hurdles.
Knowing When to Stop Could Be Your Secret Superpower The science behind why you don’t need to keep pushing on indefinitely once you attain your goals.
6 Banned Books You Should Be Reading Stories so powerful, governments and societies tried to keep them hidden forever.
6 Personal Finance Lessons I Wish I Knew When I Started Earning Things I learned the hard way that can help you become wiser in money matters
3 Hard Truths Everyone In Their 20s Should Be Talking About vs what they actually talk about. Reframing your mindset could create lasting impacts, according to science
Announcing Phase 2 of Books Are Our Superpower Join us on this journey as we expand beyond Medium and strive to deliver even more value to our readers and writers.
4 Unconventional Book Promotion Strategies for Self-Published Authors Out-of-the-box marketing tricks no blog on the internet would dare write about
My Default List When Asked, “What’s Your Favorite Book?” Interesting reads from all genres to remind you why you love reading.
2 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Launching Your First Online Course Increase your chances of success by getting your emotions in check
4 Ways of Subtle Discrimination Women in Technology Face 4 women open up about the struggles they faced in their technical job — revealing 4 shocking ways of discrimination most men are never…
An Indian Monk’s Wisdom on Setting Courageous Goals Swami Vivekananda’s valuable teachings and wisdom are relevant even today.
3 Types of Haters Every Writer Has To Deal With And how to use their hate to fuel your journey to be a better writer: lessons I learned from 7 years of writing online.
3 Valuable Self-Love Lessons From The Darkest Phase of my Life And how you can apply the same to boost your self-esteem
Are You Brave Enough to Finish These 3 Near Impossible Reads? Life-changing books that come with a price: extra effort to read.