Re-Reading Harry Potter as an Adult The not-so-subtle undertones of child abuse in JK Rowling’s magical world
The Ever-Changing Definition of Love A take on how love feels to a teenager and how it evolves as you grow older.
8 Lessons I Learned From Interviewing 8 Writers in 8 Days Who knew artists had such diverse stories to tell?
5 Popular Love Quotes That Might Promote Toxic Relationships And how you can work your way around them for a healthy version of love
How a Sidney Sheldon Novel Became My Substitute for Sex Education And why it shouldn’t be that way for other kids
7 Exceptional Ways to Get the Most Out of Journaling Be mindful of your day and become the best version of yourself.
6 Tips to Become a Reader (Even If You’ve Never Read a Book in Your Life) Start your journey towards being an avid reader
How I Made $690 As A Newbie Writer In 45 Days Lessons I learned from writing every day on Medium for one and a half months
Are You A Dreamer Or A Cynic (Why Not Let Your Books Decide?) What your taste in books reveals about you
5 Powerful Quotes to Change Your Outlook On Life Apply these lessons to change how you see the world and yourself
What it Takes to Display Your Book in Bookstores in India An insider’s take on the secrets of the Indian publishing world no one else will tell you
Here’s Why We Should Stop Telling Our Girls to “Stay Quiet” Our concern might actually be perpetuating misogyny