How I Made $690 As A Newbie Writer In 45 Days Lessons I learned from writing every day on Medium for one and a half months
Are You A Dreamer Or A Cynic (Why Not Let Your Books Decide?) What your taste in books reveals about you
5 Powerful Quotes to Change Your Outlook On Life Apply these lessons to change how you see the world and yourself
What it Takes to Display Your Book in Bookstores in India An insider’s take on the secrets of the Indian publishing world no one else will tell you
Here’s Why We Should Stop Telling Our Girls to “Stay Quiet” Our concern might actually be perpetuating misogyny
4 Skills Essential to Being An Author (Apart From Writing) Making it big as a self-published author doesn’t have to be hard if you master these skills
How Reading Fiction Can Improve Your Life If you have to choose between fiction and self-help, pick up the former. Here’s why
5 Tips to Get The Most Out of Each Book You Read Unconventional ways to retain more information from books
The Realization That Might Forever Change Your Definition of Self-Care A surprising hack to get the most out of your work (and life)
Why I Don’t Talk About My Mental Health With My “Friends” Speaking up is easy to preach, harder to practise
4 Fail-Safe Ways to Promote Your Book for Free How I sold 10,000+ copies without investing a single penny
10 Reasons Why Your Stories Are Not Making Money On Medium Here’s it — the hard truth no one else will tell you
7 Limiting Self-Beliefs You Need to Let Go of Right Now #1: You don’t have to be perfect in whatever you do
The One Message All Creative People Need to Hear Lessons from Elizbeth Gilbert on how to pursue a creative life
7 Reasons Why You Should Start Blogging Right Now No matter what you’ve led yourself to believe, your story has the power to transform lives