Facing The Lockdown Conundrum by Myself How the world will try to make you feel when you are locked down inside your own home
Why is it so hard to date in 2020? What changed, where we went wrong, and the things we could have made better about the dating scene
5 Biggest Lessons I learned in 2019 A review of the year gone by and some tips on how to have a better 2020
Voices from Assam An insider’s take on the situation: what is real vs the rumours that have been spreading
Refugees deserve our compassion, not disdain. The Citizenship Amendment Bill in a north-eastern state of India and all you need to know about it.
How a simple bus ride made me feel proud to be an Indian The story of public transportation in two nations
Fast Fashion, Greenwashing, and Sustainability How the clothes in your suitcase are screwing up the planet more than the flight you put them on.
I self-published a book on Amazon that did really well The definition of “success” is different for different people. Here is how I chose to define mine.
Of poetry readings, invited talks, and adding another feather to my hat How I got the hang of public performance — and so can you
A day in the life of a traveller (Bhutan Diaries Part two) Apple picking, making new friends and monkeying around