The first time I met her “Wait a minute, are you telling me you had a crush on me since that day you saw me first in front of the Taj Mahal? Why didn’t you tell me…
The voice of some one I couldn’t keep Why did you call me so late at night? You sound sad Is everything alright? Its funny you say that you had a dream of me for I’m not… Poetry with abcb rhyme scheme
How to Self-Publish a Bestseller A step-by-step guide to the publishing and marketing process in India based on my experiences as a first-time author
HackInterview with Alyssa: We Should Never Stop Trying to Improve Ourselves She was barely sixteen when she first came across bounty hunting. Now a full-time bug hunter, Alyssa Herrera shares her experiences in the…
Only for tonight Seductive glances, exchanged in secret A few feet apart near the fast-dying fires. Gather some courage, whisper in your ear “Am I what your…
Synonyms I dreaded facing Naveen. We hadn’t seen each other for four months, and normally the prospect of meeting him after so long would have had…