Books That Inspired My Fitness Journey

Impactful reads that taught me consistency and dedication.

Books That Inspired My Fitness Journey
Image from the author’s Instagram

Impactful reads that taught me consistency and dedication.

“Anangsha, how can I be as consistent wiht my workouts as you are?”

The other day, a follower asked me this on Instagram. Their question got me thinking, because to me, consistency is not a choice. It’s a given.

I don’t wake up every day wondering if I should go to the gym. In my head, I know I need to go to the gym five days a week. It’s all a matter of balancing out the rest and active days, so I get my weekly dose of exercise in.

Over time, I’ve understood that this mindset isn’t something that happened because of gym. It’s not even something that I apply only to working out. It’s how I live life, and I’ve built it over the years, learning from lived experiences, conversations, people around me, and of course, books.

When you love yoruself enough, you strive to give yourself the best life possible. And any life where movement is a part of your daily life, is worth living.

When this mindset becomes second nature, excuses or procrastination no longer remain a part of your vocabulary.

In this article, I’ve listed three books that discuss building a solid self-respect mindset. Reading them, I’ve developed a non-negotiable level of self-esteem that doesn’t let me treat myself any less than what I believe I deserve. Read them, and let me know your thoughts in the comments.