How far can a person obsessed with a woman who isn’t aware of his existence go?
This is how it all began.

How far can a person obsessed with a woman go?
This is how it all began.
The man scrolled through her Facebook feed till he came across a photograph she had uploaded seven months back. It was a no-make-up selfie of the woman with her mother. “Chilling at home with mom,” the caption read.
What interested the man the most was the location along with the caption. He clicked on the map link and opened a photographic view of her street: he noted she lived in a twelve-story apartment.
“Sweet,” he thought, as he cleared his search history and got ready to leave. He had had enough of playing the game on his computer.
Things were about to get real now.
This is the prologue of my new cybercrime thriller novella “What did Tashi do?” If the premise intrigued you, you can download a sample and start reading the book here.