How I Write So Much (15 Articles A Month)

Build a daily writing habit with these mindset shifts.

I write 15 articles a month on Medium.

Aside from this, I write weekly posts on LinkedIn, 2 newsletters a week, and 1–2 social media captions (including Twitter and Instagram posts).

This is possible because I’ve developed a consistent writing practice. This helped me quit my high-paying job, make a full-time living from my craft, enjoy 2-hour work-days, and establish an audience of 180k+ on Medium.

My writing habit has given me the greatest gift imaginable: my own business. Something I built from scratch and that lets me live life on my own terms today. I don’t have to work 5 days a week or save every penny I can to make ends meet.

If you’re wondering how I write so much, this article is a guide to maximizing your writing output. The points might sound a bit counter-intuitive, but they’re what worked for me. You can take whatever works for you, and tweak the rest to suit your working style and expectations.

1. Write without expectations

Don’t waste your precious time chasing perfection.

Your first draft will suck.

Your first published article will get no views.

Your first month of writing online will pay you zero.

Results are not in your control. The effort you put in is. My motto is simple: Give your best without getting too attached to the results. 

Think of online writing as playing a video game.

Do you expect yourself to play the game from an advanced level for the first time and win?

No. It doesn’t work like that.

First, you learn the rules, try playing the game from a beginner level, and then work your way up. The same works with online writing.

It’s okay to have some flop articles to understand what doesn’t work for you.

If you’re too attached to results, you won’t ever be able to get that first word off your chest.

Here’s what will help you–

  • Write for yourself and the person you want to help through your writing
  • Be in it for the long-term vision; don’t expect immediate results
  • Don’t expect every piece you write to be a masterpiece.

2. Fake it until you make it

In the beginning, a writing routine won’t come to you easily.

The first 200 words will feel like a struggle. Force yourself to keep writing until you complete the draft.

Not all great things come from a state of “flow.”

The first few days of writing every day won’t feel natural.

Your back will ache, your eyes will water, and every fiber in your body will protest.

You have to act like you’re a full-time writer. Like your life depends on it.

Fake the routine and consistency until writing every day becomes muscle memory.

The best part is– When you write consistently with such dedication, nothing can stop you from improving your craft and becoming a better writer.

3. Write what you’d love to read

The writing job isn’t as simple and exciting as it seems.

It takes ideation, writing, editing, and then waiting for the publishers to accept your work.

You can’t expect instant gratification from writing online, but you can make it less overwhelming by reading like a writer–

  • When you enjoy reading an article, notice the nuances.
  • Why did that content piece click with you?
  • What made you keep reading until the end?

Notice what successful writers do, and apply that to your writing. This will help you finish your drafts faster and get them published.

When you feel proud of a completed article, you’ll feel the natural inclination to write more.

Let your work be your reward and a self-fulfilling cycle.

It’ll ultimately improve your writing speed, and reduce your struggle to create engaging content.

4. Stick to what interests you

When your goal is to write more, you can’t take your time for granted.

If you spend 20+ hours on research for writing every article, you’ll feel exhausted.

Instead, pick topics that come to you easily.

Ask yourself these questions to find out what actually interests you:

  • On what topics you can talk non-stop for 30+ minutes?
  • What are a few things you enjoy learning about?
  • What are those issues your friends seek your advice for?
  • What are the most searched keywords on your YouTube search history?

Make a list of these topics. They are niches you’re either an expert in or have a lot of curiosity about. Sticking to them will help you write better and faster without getting burned out.

5. Know what the true reward is

It’s important to set milestones to track your progress– Getting millions of views, getting featured in the national news, being an NYT bestseller, etc.

Don’t limit your writing efforts to these small rewards.

They might seem like incredible achievements, but once the initial excitement fades, your life will be back to normal.

If you only write for a reward, you’ll feel a void as soon as you get it.

Instead, know what the true reward is–

  • The fact that you write to get clarity and express your thoughts.
  • You create content that adds value to your audience’s lives.
  • You’re leaving behind a legacy from your content that will help people long after you’re gone from this world.

If you write with such deep intentions, the writing process will be your reward. It will be what keeps you going, and not some vanity metrics like follower count, money in the bank, etc.

6. Make art out of your darkest phases

When you feel an overwhelming emotion, write about it.

Feel everything you go through rather than running away, seeking distractions, or pretending it doesn’t exist.

Make art out of desperate times. Write because it heals you.

In today’s fast-paced world, people crave comfort and authenticity.

You can deliver exactly that by creating unfiltered content out of your struggle and pain.

It’s a win-win situation; your audience will find it relatable and comforting, and your art will get the recognition it deserves.


“When you can’t win by being better, you can win by being different.”- James Clear

I took this quite seriously to make a winning career for myself as a writer.

If I’d focused on just being better in my craft, I’d have delayed my success.

Instead, I made systems that worked for me to write more and become better on the go. Today, I easily publish 15+ articles a month without getting exhausted or running out of ideas.

If you also want to write like this, here’s what you can do–

  1. Write without chasing virality or immediate success to avoid getting attached to the results
  2. Train your brain to act like a professional writer even when you’re creating content for your profile
  3. Read like a writer by dissecting your favorite creators’ content to see what worked for them and try to apply that to your writing
  4. Pick topics you love exploring or talking about
  5. Get into writing with a purpose and long-term vision, not for external validation
  6. Let pain and struggles be your biggest motivation to deliver the most valuable content.

Did any of my tips resonate with you? Feel free to share your insights in the comments.

I just launched Freelance Superheroes: A training program for writers who want to earn from writing online without leaving their job, attract gigs outside Upwork/Fiverr, and become irreplaceable. Get it today!

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