I Became A Full-Time Writer Because I was Consistent With These 5 Habits

What you need to know about the professional writer’s life.

I Became A Full-Time Writer Because I was Consistent With These 5 Habits
Image from the author’s Instagram

What you need to know about the professional writer’s life.

When I started writing online, I had no plans of making it my full-time job.

It was early 2014, and I was a final year student at NIT Silchar. All I cared about was how writing gave an outlet to my creativity. I enjoyed crafting stories and getting feedback from readers all over the world.

Sure, all I’d ever dreamed of growing up was to write stories for a living. 

I just didn’t know I’d make my childhood dreams come true. After all, my family always pushed me to be an engineer.

I completed my master’s degree in civil engineering. And even after that, when I should have been happy with my job, I wanted more. I wanted to write more stories. I wanted that taste of fame that comes with writing for a living.

The pandemic gave me that opportunity.

Working from home gave me time to explore my passion and figure out a way to pay the bills with my words. 

This was also a humbling experience. Writing for a living is different from that idealized life I’d romanticized about while growing up. My days aren’t just spent reading and creating stories. I have to treat my writing like a business. I need to formulate strategies to grow my income and audience base. I need to be consistent on a whole new level.

I can’t be whimsical. I need to be disciplined.

And to my credit, I didn’t see the difficulties of the full-time writer life and chicken out. I rose to the occassion and gave it my all.

Today, I’m a successful full-time writer because I stayed consistent with a few habits. That’s exactly what I’m going to discuss in this article.