I Got <100 Views On My Writing Until I Did This

Getting 100k+ views isn’t magic. It’s carefully curated strategy.

I Got <100 Views On My Writing Until I Did This
Image from the author’s Instagram

Getting 100k+ views isn’t magic. It’s carefully curated strategy.

0 views. 0 likes. 0 comments.

You pour your heart out into your writing. You publish, keep your fingers crossed, and go about your day. When you return at night to check the stats, seeing something like this doesn’t feel good.

Or was that an understatement?

I’ve been there. I’ve seen such days. Stats like this made me want to delete everything I ever posted online. It made me question my choices if being a writer was even meant for me. Maybe I should have stuck to civil engineering?

But such days are inevitable when you’re starting out.

If I’d followed my gut and quit, I’d never had made it to a day like today, when I get to make a full-time living by doing what I love (writing). I get to meet incredible people and work with inspiring founders and entrepreneurs from all over the world.

The key, for me, was not giving up.

And the realization that virality or fame online isn’t a function of luck. It comes to you when you carefully curate your publishing strategy to align with your goals.

In this article, I’m giving you a glimpse at how my content strategy looks like. Feel free to tweak it and apply it to your writing journey, and let me know how it works.