I Learned to Build Better Habits From These 4 Books

Lessons on getting the most out of your daily life.

I Learned to Build Better Habits From These 4 Books
Image from the author’s Instagram

Lessons on getting the most out of your daily life.

Your habits today define the future you’ll have tomorrow.

If you can’t exercise self-control and succumb to bad habits, you only have yourself to blame if your world tumbles down in a few years.

Every time I feel lazy to stick to a habit I built, these words from Lao Tzu come to mind:

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; 
watch your words, they become your actions; 
watch your actions, they become your habits; 
watch your habits, they become your character; 
watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” 
Lao Tzu

If you’re passionate about self-improvement, you can’t take habit building lightly. Now’s the time to focus on building good habits, so you can look back later and thank your decisions of today.

For those struggling to build good habits and break out of old bad habits, I got you covered. I’ve read 500+ self-improvement books, and only a few of them stand out. In this post, I’m sharing four impactful reads that will help you build and stick to your new habits.