I No Longer Struggle To Earn $$$$ Online After Making These Changes

What you need to know about monetizing your online writing skills.

“I’ll never make money from my writing. It’s just a hobby. I do it because I love it.”

This is what I told myself all my life before 2020. 

Making money as a writer was a mystery I couldn’t solve no matter how hard I tried. I wrote for online short story competitions, I took up freelance clients, I participated in shady anthologies — all in the hopes of making my first dollar.

I did succeed, but the ROI was so bad, there was no motivation for me to continue. I’d spend hours writing an article or a story, and I’d make peanuts from it.

This all changed during the pandemic, when, for the first time in my life, I had time to devote to my craft. Working from home freed up hours in my day I didn’t believe was possible. I dedicated those hours to understanding how the online writing game works. 

In those days, I made a goal of making $50 every month from writing online. Within a year, I was making more than $1500 a month from online writing, and I’d just started.

So what changed?

What secrets did I learn that made sure earning from online writing was no longer an elusive dream?

In this article, I’m going to discuss exactly that. 

Here are a few changes I made to my mindset and publishing strategy that now ensure I no longer have to struggle to make money writing online.

If you’re hustling every day as an online writer and still making peanuts, read on for some valuable insights that come straight from experience.