Introducing Our Brand New Discord Channel
A place for book lovers to connect and discuss their books

Introducing Our Brand New Discord Server
A place for book lovers to connect and share their wins
Hello dearest writers and book lovers!
We at Books Are Our Superpower are floored by the immense love you have shown us. In the two months we have been on Medium, our community has grown to a family of 340+ followers and nearly 50 writers. We publish some amazing stories from people all over the world discussing so many amazing books we wouldn’t have otherwise come across.
To give back to the community, the editors, Ruchi, Sai and I have been discussing how to make this place even more interactive, so we can know each other on a more personal level. After a lot of back-and-forths, we finally came with an amazing idea.
Books Are Our Superpower is now on Discord!
For the uninitiated, Discord is an instant messaging software designed to bring communities closer. You can join it using your own name or any cool pseudonym you prefer, share your articles, and get talking with all the amazing people on board.
Some Cool Features of the BAOS Discord Server
To make the conversation flow easier, we have created five separate channels, apart from #general (where we expect you to give a small introduction after you join. How else would the rest of the community know about your superpowers?).
Ah, I think every reader knows the pain of being asked their ONE favourite book. We at BAOS have pledged to never put you through that torture. In this channel, you can list three (or thirty) books you believe EVERYONE should read!
We love long messages and would absolutely dig any explanation you would like to add about why everyone else should read those books. If you had been looking for a place to convert more readers to your fandom, this might be the perfect opportunity!
Join in and gush or rant about your current read. Find what everyone else is reading and maybe find someone to buddy-read or fangirl about the same characters.
At some point, all of us who write frequently on Medium have faced this issue: no matter how much effort we put into an article, somehow, it doesn’t click. This channel is a great way to get feedback on your articles (published or otherwise) in exchange for providing an honest review on another writer’s work.
All you have to do is mention that you are looking for feedback on an article and if anyone is willing to help. When someone else replies with the link to their article, you can critique each others’ work and help each other grow. All of us are huge fans of win-win situations, aren’t we?
We are super proud to share that several of the articles on Books Are Our Superpower get curated (how can they not, when we have such an amazing bunch of writers?).
Of course, Medium distributes every curated article, but a couple of extra views never hurt, do they?
In this channel, you can share links to your curated articles that are published on this publication, and all of us will go through it and leave a few claps and responses. This is the place to read the cream of the cream, the best-received articles on BAOS.
This is the channel where you can share your articles as soon as they are published. Because one can’t have enough claps or views, can they?
We hope this would be a step forward in our journey towards getting to know each other and building a powerful community of book lovers that exists outside of Medium too.
What are you waiting for? Go ahead and be a part of the newest, most fun place for book lovers on the internet!