Is this what I chose?

In celebration of National Poetry Month, here is an acrostic — A poetry form in which the first letter of each line spells the same words as in the title of the poem.

Inevitable, this
susurrus of muted voices.

Those uncaring words,
hearts unfeeling
inching slowly, but surely, closer to that
sea of oblivion.

Where are those dreams now?
Hushed wishes keeping me awake at night -
all lost in this mad craze
to be on the top, to be the best.

Is this what I had worked all my life for?

Chaos all around, a world up in flames
heedless souls battering me with hate
over and over again — that
same life I’d once yearned for, why does it now
elude all attempts at a reconciliation?

I come from a country where Medium hasn’t introduced the Partner Program yet. So if you liked my work, you might consider buying me a beer.

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Anangsha Alammyan — Medium
Read writing from Anangsha Alammyan on Medium. Civil engineer | Lover of fantasy fiction | Writer of tangled thoughts…

Anangsha Alammyan for Poetry in Form.