Planning to Publish Every Day? You’re Making a Mistake.

The days of “write every day” are over.

Planning to Publish Every Day? You’re Making a Mistake.
Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash

The days of “write every day” are over.

I kickstarted my Medium journey by publishing every day.

From May to July 2020, I went on a writing spree where I published 90 articles in 90 days.

Crazy, I know, and incredibly taxing on your creativity.

But that mad publishing spree gave me traction like no other. My views skyrocketed, my earnings crossed $500 each month, and my followers grew by leaps and bounds.

After that, I slowed down to 10–15 articles each month. But the unfair advantage my publishing spree gave me continued paying dividends for months afterwards. You can see that from my follower growth stats below- 

Audience stats screenshot by the author.

Outside of the money and fame, writing every day had multiple benefits, including — 

  • I could generate ideas and finish articles quicker.
  • I started treating daily writing as a non-negotiable.
  • In just 3 months, I had enough data to understand what works for my audience.

If I had to look back and pick one decision that worked in my favor, it’s choosing to publish every day for 90 days. It was exhausting, but it set the foundation for what’s my full-time career today.

But this article isn’t about that. This article puts forward a radical concept most writers won’t talk about online.

The days of publishing daily are over?