You tempt with a smile; that hook of your finger beckoning me, telling me that pleasure awaits. And pain — oh, that ache, the sting that I…

You tempt
with a smile;
that hook of your finger
beckoning me,
telling me that pleasure awaits.
And pain — oh, that ache,
the sting that I crave.
You tempt
with that look in your eyes
and that belt in your hands.
The promise to hurt
and the promise to pleasure,
both at the same time.
You tempt
with your cockiness.
Your touch — so gentle, so demanding.
That overwhelming scent of your skin.
You tempt with your words;
your aggression, your passion.
Your lust.
And I can’t help but come
to you.
If you liked my work, you might consider buying me a beer.
Also, don’t hesitate to hit that clap button. Please do follow me for more.
Anangsha Alammyan - Medium
Read writing from Anangsha Alammyan on Medium. Civil engineer | Lover of fantasy fiction | Writer of tangled thoughts…