What’s going on at Infosec Write-ups
Some exciting news and a brand new Internet home for IW

Some exciting news and a brand new Internet home for IW
Hello writers, readers, and members of the InfoSec community!
What has been going on our side
It’s been a while since we have had a newsletter, so, we wanted to reach out to you wonderful lot and thank you for supporting our publication for almost two years. We are excited to announce that recently, we crossed 10,000 followers. Also, earlier on, we used to average at 3000 unique views per day. But today, we are proud to say that the publication gets more than 6,000 unique views per day on a 90-day average!
So, keep writing, and we will keep making sure your work reaches out to a wider and more diverse audience.
Due to the increased reader base, we have also been receiving a steady stream of submissions. To make sure we continue to provide our readers value, we have started doing a round of basic quality control to make sure you get to read content of only top-notch quality.
InfoSec Write-ups has moved to one more place on the Internet.
When we started Infosec Write-ups, our aim was to provide a space for people to share their knowledge and the stories of their exploits to help others. Little did we know that we would end up starting a community of people. Our Discord family has more than 1500 users who engage daily in an active, thriving conversation about all things related to Infosec. This number is less compared to other communities because we keep pruning people who haven’t been active in 30 days. So, even though more than 5000 people had joined, we retained only the active users.
We are glad to announce that we have moved on to Reddit and started our own SubReddit. Here, we will share links to all the posts published on Medium to make sure your content grabs more eyeballs. We encourage all writers and readers to follow it for enlightening discussions on specific articles. Also, we will be obliged if you could spread the word so anybody who is interested may head over to the brand new subReddit.
That is all for today, dear InfoSec Write-ups family.
Stay tuned for more exciting news coming your way soon.